21 Fallen Acadiana Officers Honored At Memorial [Video]
Loved ones, friends and fellow officers gathered to honor those law enforcement who made the ultimate sacrifice to protect the people of Acadiana. 21 law officers have died in the line of duty from several agencies in our area. Many of those agencies were on hand Thursday night to light a candle and present a rose in their honor.
On a personal note, I have never been more moved at a memorial. It started with a roaring rendition of God Bless America and ended solemnly with a 21 gun salute. There was not a dry eye inside St. Barnabas Episcopal Church as two representatives accepted medals in honor of two Lafayette Police Officers who died in the line of fire in the 1960's.
What hit me hard was the fact that many current officers were their with their families. The possibility of dying in the line of duty is very real for them. I leave every day for work, and barring an especially bad car accident, I'm fairly safe in what I do. These brave men and women leave home every day not knowing what they will face on the streets of Acadiana.
And for that we say... Thank you.
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