5 Bad Foods That Can Actually Be Good For You
The problem with "studies" is they are often misinterpreted by those who read and use them. We, the media, sometimes only hit the highlights of a study and the real message is missed. Such is the case with a lot of the foods we eat. The following five foods have a bad reputation for those who are trying to eat healthier, the fact is, they can be good for you.
- Photo by Chris McGrath/Getty Images
Photo by Chris McGrath/Getty Images 1Pizza
It's ooey and gooey and so delicious. The deal with pizza is what you put on it and how much of pizza you consume. If you start with a whole wheat crust and are put mostly veggies and a low-fat cheese on top. You're getting some really great dairy, vegetables, and proteins.
- Purestock
Purestock 2Potatoes
Most of us like to consume our potatoes in the form of french fries. If we choose to eat them baked we load them up with butter, sour cream, bacon, cheese, and a few other not-so-good choices. While potatoes do have a lot of carbohydrates they are packed with vitamins, especially the skins. So, watch your portions and your toppings and the potato can still be your friend.
- Von Shef via You Tube
Von Shef via You Tube 3Steak
The anti-red meat lobby has done a good job of scaring a lot of people away from steak. Steak is a great source of protein. We need that protein to do what we do every day. The key to making steak a healthy part of your diet is choosing the proper cut of meat. A top sirloin is very lean contains a lot of zinc and vitamin B-12. You know, those elements you take with your daily multi-vitamin.
- Junko Kimura/Getty Images
Junko Kimura/Getty Images 4Eggs
Eggs are a power packed protein source. Sure, they have their downside if you eat too many too often. But then again too much water is bad for you too. An egg a day can be part of a very healthy diet. If you do have cholesterol concerns, egg whites are the ticket. They are almost pure protein and can help you lean out your body. Why do you think so many supermodels swear by them?
- Justin Sullivan/Getty Images
Justin Sullivan/Getty Images 5Canned Or Frozen Vegatables
It is true fresh veggies are really good for you but they tend to rot if you don't consume them right away. Today's modern canning and freezing techniques ensure that almost all of the vitamin content of the vegetable is left intact. Canned and frozen veggies are also cheaper and they can be stored a lot longer. So, good for you and they cost less? Seems like a no-brainer to me.
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