There is a whole pile of negativity happening in the world right now, so why don't we change that for just a couple of minutes and give you a sweet little story from right here in Acadiana.

We stumbled across a video that was shared on social media of an Acadiana area high school softball umpire that'll surely warm your heart.

The video you'll see in a bit comes from a game between Iota High and Delcambre High in Delcambre. It's pre-game and the teams are lined up and ready to salute Old Glory for the playing of our National Anthem.

Nick Daigle, Facebook
Nick Daigle, Facebook

There was a problem -- nothing would play from the sound system. It was a recorded version of the "Star-Spangled Banner" and not a sound would come out of the speakers.

We can probably all remember a time when this actually happened. But what occurred next, doesn't always take place.

One of the umpires decided he would help remedy the situation and asked for the microphone and proceeded to belt out the National Anthem.

And boy did he nail it. Check out his impromptu performance below.

We did some digging and found out that this umpire's name is Roderick Green. And from all accounts, Mr. Green is a fantastic umpire and well-respected member of the community.  His day job is being a minister.

According to those in the umpire community, this isn't the first time that Green has stepped up when a recording didn't work out. And for that, we should all be appreciative.

Thank you sir for unselfishly sharing your talents with the rest of us and for also saving the day so the girls could "play ball!"

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