Can You Have Pizza Delivered While Waiting to Vote in Louisiana?
According to the Louisiana Secretary of States Office, early voting for the November 5th election will begin in Louisiana on October 18th. The Early voting period will run through October 29th at each parish's Registrar of Voters Office. Election day itself will be November 5th. The polls will be open on that day from 6 am to 8 pm.
Based on everything we've read and seen voter turnout for the upcoming election is supposed to be quite heavy. That means there will be long lines at the various polling places across the state. The same could be said for those hoping to "beat the crowd" by voting early.
Incidentally, if you need detailed information about where you vote and when you vote you can find that here at GeauxVote.com. That sight from the Secretary of State's Office not only has polling information but you can pull up a sample copy of your actual ballot so you can plan your time in the voting booth accordingly.
Voter turnout has been quite heavy in the past two Presidential elections and many voters across the state expressed concerns about "having the time to vote". Louisiana does not have a statute on the books that ensures an employer must give employees time off to cast their ballot.
So it's entirely possible you could be in line before breakfast, during your lunch hour, or after you've put in a full day. This is how we arrived at the question we asked in the headline of this narrative.
Can You Have Food Delivered While You're Waiting To Vote In Louisiana?
Based on the information that we have read the answer is yes, having food delivered is perfectly permissible as long as certain criteria are met. The food being delivered cannot have any campaign materials, slogans, candidates name, or party affiliation on its packaging.
The person bringing the food to you as you wait in line can not wear campaign buttons, shirts, hats, or anything that identifies their support for one candidate over another. And perhaps the biggest concern is just how close to the polling place they can make that delivery. The safe answer to that question is 600 feet.
As you might imagine the Founding Fathers did not foresee a world of DoorDash and Grub Hub so there really aren't specific provisions for delivering food. However, many laws regarding electioneering could be applicable.
And if you want to pack a snack and bring something from home, that is perfectly permissible as well. Now, can you bring that food into the actual polling place or voting booth? That's going to be up to the precinct workers where you cast your vote. Just remember the lines are going to be long, tempers might be short, and law enforcement officials will be nearby. So be nice and do as you are asked and or are told to do.
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