Car Wrap Scam Reported in Acadiana
One rule of thumb the Better Business Bureau always asks you to ascribe to is this one, "If a deal seems too good to be true, it probably is". Such was the case with this text message I received yesterday afternoon. Here's a screenshot of what it said.
I can't tell you how thrilled I was to get this. The chance to make $500 a week just by driving my car around town. Of course, I wouldn't tell them that I usually only come out at night when most people aren't awake and thinking about their dental hygiene, but still, $500 is $500 and this $500 is a huge steaming pile of cow manure.
The car wrap scam has been going on for several years. It works just as you see it posted above. It usually starts with a text message offer to click a website. From there a "specialist" takes over the chat telling the would-be victim that they will have to send them some money, usually via gift card, money order, or some other money transfer method. The money will be used to pay for the initial wrapping of the vehicle and will be paid back.
Don't you believe it.
There is no car wrap and there will never be a car wrap and if people were making $500 a week driving around in rolling billboards don't you think you would have heard about that from a reputable source by now?
Well, you're hearing about it from a reputable source. It's total crap, don't fall for it. After all, it does appear too good to be true.
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