Parents of kids in the Lafayette, Louisiana area, it's back. LUS Fiber Santa Hotline has made its triumphant return this holiday season and it's better than ever.
Better Homes & Gardens recently shared their take on what a traditional Louisiana Cajun Thanksgiving looks like, and it has left us with a few questions.
The Christmas holiday season in Youngsville will be in full swing this Friday marked by the city's unique and vibrant Christmas in Youngsville Roundabout Tour.
Although not a new method, the pillowcase turkey method has seemed to have really taken off this Thanksgiving across Louisiana and the rest of the Country.
Even if you don’t know the first thing about cooking a turkey you can call Butterball’s “Turkey Talk-Line” and ask all the questions you can think of…related to turkey that is.
As we countdown the days to Thanksgiving, many of us are excited about the meal, while some may even be excited about the company and family you'll see.