Checking Your Propane Tank Is Actually Much Easier Than You Thought
Propane tanks are on the list of must haves in South Louisiana. Whether you are firing up with pit or prepping for a boil, you probably have a propane tank at the ready.
You have probably also had those moments wondering if you have enough propane in your tank to get the job done. The last thing you want is to have the meat ready to throw on the pit or the crawfish ready to boil and realize you don't have enough propane to even make a bubble in the water.
I've seen many people do the "pick it up and see how heavy it is" trick more times than I can count. I've also seen that trick fail more times than not. There are also gadgets that can help to more accurately check the propane level.
However, did you know there is another simple and easy trick to check the amount of propane in a tank? According to an article on the TastingTable website, Bob Vila says all you need is hot water.
The article explains Vila's trick saying,
...simply heat up some water (hot, but not boiling) and then pour it down the side of the tank, which must be cool and turned off. Then, slide your hand down the outside of the tank, testing for temperature. Where it is warm, there's no propane. Where the tank feels cool, that's where there is still propane.
Call me easily intrigued, but this is a trick I want to test the theory.
Did you know about this technique? Have you ever tried it? If so, let us know if it worked for you.
Do you have any tricks of your own that have proven to work?