Cooperative Efforts Between Louisiana And France Extended
The connection between Louisiana and the country of France is undeniable. It doesn't need any government act to make it so. What the government act does it make the connection between our state and France an active and educational one. This is a benefit for both sides.
Lieutenant Governor Billy Nungesser says the France - Louisiana Cooperation Accords have now officially been extended for another four years. Nungesser told the Louisiana Radio Network that this accord is so much more than a formality.
It’s a great program that continues to grow. Now it’s over 4,500 students in 10 parishes, and we plan to expand that to many more parishes and many more students across Louisiana.
The focus of the accords is about education and understanding. It’s a program that brings French teachers to teach the French history, culture, and language in Louisiana schools.
The new agreement will continue the cooperative agreement until the year 2020. Nungesser suggested in his comments that this is truly a win-win situation for both sides of the Atlantic. It is especially beneficial for Louisiana students who hope to broaden their scope of learning and widen their opportunities for employment.
It gives them a wider range to look for job opportunities in music, in business, in anything they want to move forward with their life. It just opens up a whole other world to them.
It's just another case of how knowing your past can help you in the future.