There are very few times that a human being can make a statement and absolutely defy anyone to disagree. This is my statement that meets that requirement. We don't deserve dogs. Go ahead, try to change my mind. You can't.

We as human beings really don't deserve such a loyal, intelligent, and compassionate friend as the canine, but I for one am very glad that dogs feel like we deserve them.

Besides their incredible companionship and protection, our four legged furry friends could be a key to us getting back together in large crowds for sporting events and concerts as we come out from under the coronavirus pandemic. In fact, one NBA team, the Miami Heat are considering using specially trained COVID sniffing dogs to detect the disease in fans as they enter the arena.

Researchers have found that after only a week's worth of training dogs were able to detect the coronavirus in saliva samples with an astounding 94% accuracy rate. Okay, we can't ask everyone to spit in a cup on their way into the Cajundome to see Garth Brooks but there is another method to this madness.

In the Miami Heat's case, the plan would be to have dogs simply walk past fans as they enter the queue for the stadium. If the dog alerts to the virus he or she will sit. Then further testing might be required before that fan can enter the arena. But in most cases, the fan and their party will simply be turned away.

The team will begin allowing fans into their arena for games later this month. Should a fan choose not to be sniffed by the dogs there are other testing options available but those options could take almost an hour. The dog sniff is quick and easy.

In a test study in Finland researchers, there had subjects wipe their necks with a cloth to collect a sweat sample. According to the results of that test, the trained pooches were able to detect COVID-19 in under 10 seconds. That's pretty darn amazing.

In Miami, the team is currently testing the canine theory on stadium personnel in the arena. They plan on unveiling the canine COVID sniffers prior to their January 28th game.

Hey, I wouldn't mind having a dog sniff me if it meant we could start gathering in groups for games, concerts, fairs, and festivals. The bottom line when dealing with the virus appears to be this, if you can avoid contact with it, you probably won't get sick. If that means a dog nose sniffing around my person for my protection then sign me up, lower the lights, and let the music begin.

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