Did My Niece Take A Picture Of A Ghost At The Myrtles Plantation? [Pics]
A couple of days ago, my cousin Danny and his family took a day trip to the Myrtles Plantation in St. Francisville. They've been there before, but this time was a little different. As so many people do, they took a lot of pictures hoping to catch something otherworldly in a photograph or two. Well, my niece Sydney definitely got a pic of something pretty creepy in one of the front windows of the house.
In the pictures below, it looks like something, or someone is casting a ghostly reflection in the window. Is it a reflection of something in the front yard? Is it a ghost?
What I think is interesting about this picture is that if you do an image search of the Myrtles Plantation, you'll see a handful of other photos that are similar, showing some ghostly images in the front windows of the house. Pretty crazy right?
Somewhat like the creepy picture I took at the Myrtles, these seem to be repeat occurrences in the same places.