Did You Know There Is an Election Saturday, April 30?
This weekend is going to be a busy one in Acadiana if you look around at all the festivals and other events that are on the schedule.
The five-day Festival International continues through Sunday in downtown Lafayette, and there are other festivals and events scheduled throughout many of Acadiana's parishes this weekend.
In addition to the fun, there is an election that will be held tomorrow for many voters in Acadiana. When people go to the polls in Acadiana tomorrow, Saturday, April 30, there will be various issues on the ballot.
How Do I Know If I have to Vote Tomorrow?
Here are the parishes that have items on the ballot Saturday, April 30:
- Jeff Davis Parish
- Lafayette
- St. Landry
- St. Martin
- Vermilion
One of the best resources to have is the Geaux Vote app on your phone. You can download this for free in the app store. You can use this app to figure out if something is on the ballot in your area, and if there is something on your ballot, you'll be able to look over the items on the ballot to be voted on Saturday. If you prefer not to download the app, you can visit geauxvote.com.
Will Voters in Lafayette Vote This Saturday?
Only five precincts in the downtown Lafayette area will be going to the voting booth this weekend. Voters in precincts 57, 66, 68, 70 & 74 will be voting on whether or not they want to renew a 15-year millage for the Downtown Development Authority. The millage was first on the ballot in 1993, and Downtown Development Authority CEO Anita Begnaud says the millage is what funds most of the organization's expenses.
This is what the ballot item reads from the Secretary of State's Office:
Commercial Core Sub-Dist. of Lafayette Centre Development Dist. renewal
Shall the Commercial Core Sub-District of the Lafayette Centre Development District (the “District”), continue to levy and collect a special tax of fifteen (15) mills on all the property subject to taxation within the District (an estimated $447,840 reasonably expected at this time to be collected from the levy of the tax for an entire year) for a period of fifteen (15) years, beginning with the year 2023, for the purposes contained in the legislation, as amended, creating the District, including but not limited, to the provision of enhanced services such as security, cleaning, trash removal, maintenance, parking, beautification, business development, technical assistance, marketing and promotions, and financial and economic development incentives; constructing, acquiring, operating or maintaining public facilities contemplated by the redevelopment plan; and for the operating expenses of the District, said expenditures to be made to implement the redevelopment plans and programs of the District, or any portion thereof, in such manner as to aid and encourage private development and promote and coordinate public development, which represents a four and nine hundredths mill (4.09) increase (due to reappraisal) over the 10.91 mills authorized through the year 2022 pursuant to an election held July 21, 2007?
Several tax millage renewals are on the ballot in Jeff Davis Parish. In St. Landry Parish, there is one tax millage renewal on the ballot and a run-off election for a school board member.
In St. Martin Parish, there are elections for Mayor and two council seats along with two tax millage renewals.
In Vermilion Parrish, there is an election to choose the Chief of Police in Abbeville and a half-cent sales tax, that if approved, would pay for an increase in salaries and benefits for school teachers and other school system employees.
Tomorrow, the polls will open at 7 a.m., and they will close at 8 p.m.
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