Every State Where Marijuana is Legal
Forbes always has a wealth of information, and today is no exception. Laws are changing all over the USA on marijuana use and distribution. Legalizing recreational use of marijuana has even come up in Louisiana, and according to the Forbes article, medical marijuana use is legal here in the Bayou State. However, the general consensus is that it won't be readily available for another year. Forbes has laid it out on the line as to which states it is actually legal to purchase marijuana in. You might be surprised at how many there are.
- Alaska - Recreational and Medical
- Arizona - Medical
- California - Medical
- Colorado - Recreational and Medical
- Connecticut - Medical
- Delaware - Medical
- District of Columbia - Recreational and Medical
- Hawaii - Medical
- Illinois - Medical
- Louisiana - Medical
- Maine - Medical
- Massachusetts - Medical
- Michigan - Medical
- Minnesota - Medical
- Montana - Medical
- Nevada - Medical
- New Jersey - Medical
- New Mexico - Medical
- New York - Medical
- Oregon - Recreational and Medical
- Rhode Island - Medical
- Utah - Medical
- Vermont - Medical
- Washington - Recreational and Medical
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