Facts You Might Not Know About Mother’s Day
Happy Mother's day to all of our amazing moms! Hopefully your day is filled with good times, laughter and a lot of love. While you're gathered with family and friends, here are a few things about Mother's Day you might not know about this special day.
1) Anna Jarvis organized the first Mother's Day in 1908. Jarvis asked congress for a special day to honor mothers. What do ya know, congress actually got it right!
2) President Woodrow Wilson established Mother's Day to be the second Sunday in May in 1914.
3) Anna Jarvis actually asked congress to take Mother's Day off of the calendar in 1914. She felt it had become too commercialized and said it should be more of a personal celebration between moms and family.
4) The average age of first time mothers is 28.
5) During the 1600s, England celebrated a day called Mothering Sunday, celebrated on the fourth Sunday of Lent.
6) $4.6 billion is spent on jewelry for Mother's Day.
7) According to the Insure.com 2017 Mother's Day Index, the various tasks moms perform at home would be worth $67,619!