Franklin Under Boil Advisory Until Further Notice
A power failure at the Franklin Water System has created a drop in water pressure within the distribution system. It is because of this a boil advisory has been posted, effective immediately for the town of Franklin.
It is recommended that all customers of the Franklin Water System take precautions to sanitize or disinfect water that is to be used for human consumption. This includes water used for making ice, brushing teeth, or preparing food.
Officials suggest that residents boil water for one full minute in a clean container. The one minute starts after the water has been brought to a rolling boil. Should the water have a flat taste to it you could add a pinch of salt to each quart of water that is boiled.
This boil advisory will remain in effect until it is rescinded by the Franklin Water System. That notice won't be issued until the water supply and distribution system is deemed to be safe by the Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals.