Free Flu Shots Available in Lafayette Thursday
We are at that time of the year when seasons cross. No, I'm not talking about baseball crossing into football crossing into basketball. I am talking about hurricane season crossing into flu season. Yeah, aren't we lucky it is possible to experience both a hurricane and the flu at the same time?
Hurricanes we can't do much about, but the flu, that's a different story altogether. In an effort to get a jump start on this year's flu season. Officials with Louisiana's Department of Health is offering free or reduced-priced flu shots across the state tomorrow (Oct.25).
In Lafayette, the shots will be administered at the Lafayette Parish Health Unit from 8 a.m. until 5:30 p.m. The health unit is located at 220 West Willow, Building A in Lafayette.
Flu shots will be free with proof of insurance. If you don't have private insurance or Medicaid or Medicare then you may still get a shot for just $10. Officials say if it's raining they will offer "drive-thru" flu vaccinations under an overhang at the facility so you won't even have to get out of your car.
If you have a question or need more information simply call 337-262-5311 or visit the state's Fight the Flu website.