It's nearly time for the most magical season of all. Nope, we're not talking about Mardi Gras season or the upcoming dawn of new life known as Spring.

Nah, the joyous time of year getting everyone giddy with excitement is Girl Scout cookie season.

No doubt many of you have seen your friends on social media advertising that their kiddo is selling and taking orders now. But what if you don't know any Girl Scout?

Fear not, you've got options and we're here to share those with you.

You can simply order your cookies on the Girl Scouts website and have a box or 20 sent straight to your front porch.

Girl Scout Cookies
Getty Images

Of course, the best way to purchase is straight from the source and that means at a good ole cookie booth! You know, like when the Girl Scouts are set up in front of a store around town.

And the Girl Scouts website has a fancy tool to help you locate a booth near you. Simply go to Girl Scouts' "Cookie Finder" page here and search by zip code, state or council, and it'll take you to a schedule of booths near you.

For example, if you search 70506 (Lafayette zip code), you'll get results such as the following:

By the way, booth sales will be held from February 10th through March 5th.

In case you need a refresher, here are the cookies available for purchase this cookie season:

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