Halfway Through Fall – Where’s The Cooler Weather?
Most of the state is enjoying beautiful weather this weekend. The afternoon temperatures are perfect for shirt sleeves and the nighttime temperatures are cool enough to let the air conditioner rest for a few hours. If you've lost track of the seasons we're about one month into Autumn. You might be asking " Isn't it supposed to be cooler"?
It is. It just isn't. It's also been very dry in some parts of the state. In fact, there are drought conditions in places that were flooded earlier this year.
The US Drought Monitor now has part of north Louisiana in moderate drought, and almost the entire northern half of the state is at least considered abnormally dry.
Those comments come from State Climatologist Barry Keim as reported by the Louisiana Radio Network.
If you're a fan of hot gumbo on a cool crisp evening then you do have something to look forward to. The long range forecast for the upcoming week suggests that a cold front could make it through the area and drop the temperatures just a bit by Friday.
The real cool down should come the weekend of Halloween with what should be the coolest air of the fall season. If that happens to be the case then kudos to the Old Farmer's Almanac, they were the only the long range forecast to make that prediction.
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