Here’s How To Get That Stupid ‘Be Like Bill’ Meme Off Your Facebook Feed
If you have perused Facebook in the last week, you've probably been accosted by a stick figure. You know, the stupid meme "Be Like Bill"!
It's a drawing of a stick figure in a hat along with some self-righteous advice.
For example:
Bill is on the internet.
Bill sees something that offends him.
Bill moves on.
Bill is smart.
Be like Bill.
No, I will not be like this stupid stick figure! Get off my Facebook and go back to Stickville, Germany or wherever you came from!!!
Bill actually came from the mind of a 23-year-old guy named Eugeniu Croitoru from Milan, Italy. He apparently has way too much time on his hands.
Over the last week people have been able to customize the "advice" with their own advice. However, when you share one of the photos, it links back to a spam content site Eugeniu made.
But now we've got a remedy so you can get rid of Bill from your Facebook feed.
Next time you see someone post a "Be Like Bill" meme, click the little arrow that's on the upper-right side of their post. Then hit "Hide all from Blobla app." Then boom-shack-a-lacka, they're banished for good.
You're welcome.