Hilarious ‘Thunderstruck’ Parody ‘Tractorstuck’ by Peterson Farm Bros [Video]
If you need a smile today, then this AC/DC parody to "Thunderstruck" might be just what Doctor ordered.
The Peterson Farm Bros are just playing around making a funny about getting their tractor stuck, these guys are actual farmers so they unfortunately know first hand the perils of actually getting a tractor stuck.
From the Peterson Farm Bros YouTube channel -
"The Peterson Farm Bros are made up of Greg (28), Nathan (26), and Kendal (23) Peterson. We are 5th generation family farmers who farm together in Kansas with our parents David and Marla, our sister Laura, and our wives BrookeAnna (Greg's), Riley (Nathan's) and Caelan (Kendal's)."
With so many farmers around Acadiana, I'm sure many people have been in this unfortunate situation countless times.
Watch the Peterson Farm Bros AC/DC parody "Tractorstuck" below.