Yeah that game that we played as a kid, or still play (cough cough) to see who gets the front seat or who has to take out the trash.  Don't lie, you know you like that game!  Well, I've got some tips for the both of us to school our opponent

"We, as humans, are terrible at being random" so lets learn how the opponent works

Rule 1: "Rock is 4 Rookies"-  If you play someone who doesn't play often, they will most likely play a "rock" the first round. This means that you can give them a paper...Bam you won!  But if they play a lot, they will do paper to beat the rock, but you are going to play scissors and cut that paper!

Rule 2: "Double Trouble"- If your opponent plays the same thing 2 times in a row, they most likely won't do it again.  So this is best for you.  If you see a "two-Scissor run," for example, your opponent's next move will be either Rock or Paper. If you throw Paper, then, you'll either beat Rock or play to a draw.

Rule 3: "The Comeback"- Your opponent will probably throw the next move as the one that would have beaten his last!


- Never say how many rounds you plan to play!  If you win on the first one, you can say,"Alright that's it, I win!"  Or if you lose "best of 3!"


Alright, let's get started!  What is your favorite to throw up first?

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