Hurricane Headed For Iberian Peninsula
Hold on just a second, before you tussle up your New Iberia haircut the Iberian Peninsula is a long way from New Iberia and Iberia Parish. The Iberian Peninsula is made up of the countries of Portugal and Spain. Yes there is a hurricane headed for there and yes that is Europe and No I can't recall that happening either.
While most of our attention in the tropics have been focused on Hurricane Michael and its deadly rampage through the Gulf South. Hurricane Leslie has been quietly meandering around the central Atlantic Ocean not bothering anybody but those who have shipping interests.
The path of Leslie has now taken a turn to the east and should make landfall in Portugal. Tropical Storm force winds should be experienced along the Portuguese coastline within the next few hours. Those winds and heavy rains associated with the storm should then proceed rapidly across Portugal and into Spain.
As of now, Leslie is the only tropical weather feature being monitored by the National Hurricane Center. A tropical wave in the Caribbean Sea has now become so disorganized that forecasters no longer feel there is a chance for tropical development from that system.