Everyone's guard is up these days and some students at the University of Louisiana-Lafayette have noticed yellow check marks on the windows of their vehicles.

In recent years various social media rumors have circulated online when it comes to markings on vehicles and that is why University Police investigated this matter after it was brought to their attention.

Several students on campus in Lafayette noticed these similar markings on their vehicles and after police looked into it, they found out that these markings are harmless and are not putting anyone in danger.

Recently, my wife and I noticed similar markings on our vehicles and we too were a bit concerned, but we quickly realized what the marking signified, and so too have the police at UL-Lafayette.

UL-Lafayette Facebook
UL-Lafayette Facebook

According to the social media post by the police agency in Lafayette, these markings on vehicles are a sign that the drivers of these vehicles paid to park in a designated parking spot off campus.

For example, in the downtown Lafayette district, some parking lots are paid to park and the attendants will mark the vehicles with such markings to note who has paid and who has not.

When we noticed similar markings on our vehicles, it was from a parking lot where we parked for Festival International, and perhaps some of the students at UL parked in the same parking lot in recent weeks.

I will say, to those with these markings on your vehicle, get ready to scrub these off as they are not easily removed. In any case, it is good to see that the owners of these vehicles are alert and aware of their surroundings.

Remember you can never be too safe these days and if you do notice anything odd on your vehicle or property, you should contact authorities to have them look into the matter.



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