Surviving Louisiana’s Summer Heat: Anything To Keep Cool
Well, it seems as if the heavy-duty weather pattern of high heat and even higher heat indices has returned for this summer. This routine will likely stick with us for weeks if not months.
We all know that being out in extreme weather leaves us open to heat exhaustion and heat stroke so we are always looking at different ways to cool off. You can't put off some chores for the whole summer, like cutting the grass for example.
For people who have to work outside, dealing with the heat on a daily basis must be brutal. For those of us who have the luxury of working inside, we are very lucky. No matter whether we are at work or at home, someone is monitoring the thermostat because cooling our space can be very expensive.
This got us thinking, "What are strange ways to cool off that we might not have thought of"?
Freeze Your Sheets to Cool Off
This may seem strange, but what an easy and cost-effective way to cool your body down when you go to bed.
You take your sheets, put them in your freezer for a few minutes, and then take them to the bedroom. Science shows we fall asleep faster when our body temperature drops so imagine how cooling it will feel to relax under chilled sheets.
Obviously, they won't stay cold the entire night, but it likely will give you an edge to chill out, become calm, and then fall into a restful sleep according to Staminade.
Give Your Hands and Feet a Plunge
It seems like in the summer months we are constantly fighting extreme temperatures. The humidity only exacerbates how hot it feels outside.
One strange idea we might not think of, but Time magazine recommends is putting our hands and feet into cold water. It's a quick way to cool our body down.
If you have to leave your thermostat higher due to increasing energy bills or you are just coming inside from doing outside chores give your hands and feet a plunge in cold water for a quick cool down.
Make a Cup of Tea
One recommendation that is prevalent across multiple websites is to make a certain kind of tea to cool down.
It seems strange, but Acufindercom recommends that cool Chrysanthemum Tea will help your body cool down on a blazingly hot summer day. According to the site,
This is an ideal drink for hot summer days. As well as helping to prevent sunstroke it also clears heat....promotes body fluid secretion, and is an excellent thirst quencher!
Get Some Towels Wet
Homes and Gardens says much like it is recommended that you can put a small wet towel around your neck to cool down, you can also use a larger towel to help cool the area around a fan.
A fan is not going to do the trick completely to cool you off in extreme heat, but a wet towel used around your body sure can. But, you can also hang it near your fan.
Whether you use one towel or more, you can change them near your fan, and you will cool off according to experts.
Freeze Some Water Bottles
This tip from House Beautiful works with a bowl of ice OR a couple of frozen bottles of water.
You just add a wet hand towel to the top, and it's ready to help you cool down.
Once you have your frozen items, experts say, simply putting them in front of the fan will bring all of that chilled air right to you.
Get Plants for Your Home
Homes and Gardens spoke to George Brown an indoor garden specialist who says people have no idea all of the good plants can do.
He says that having plants in your home actually helps regulate the temperature throughout your house!
An easy hack? He says to make sure you put plants in front of areas like windows where the heat can seep into your home.
Get a Hot Water Bottle
This is a great and weird idea that just uses reverse engineering....well, sort of.
Hot water bottles are filled with hot water and placed on the body part that is aching, so why not get one and put cold water in it?
You likely can fill it with a few ice cubes as well, and put it on your body or hold it in your hands to help you cool down according to Staminade. It's a weird, but great idea.
Get Menthol (Not cigarettes!)
If you are having a hard time cooling down something weird you might not think about to help you is menthol.
Business Insider says researchers say menthol can help for a short period of time.
You can find menthol in things like Vicks' Vapor Rub, peppermint oil, and cough drops.
You can be sure to share with us about your weird way of staying cool by emailing. Stay cool!