Lafayette School Bus Routes Should Be Available Next Week
Classes for students enrolled in Lafayette Parish Public Schools are scheduled to begin on August 15th. When that day comes school system officials estimate that more than 1,000 students will begin the school year in a different school. Because of rezoning in the school district that will mean some significant changes in school bus routes.
Unfortunately, those new routes are not available for parents and students to explore today. The reason you can't is two-fold. First, the school system's websites are down for cybersecurity maintenance and second, the routes won't likely be available for public inspection until next week. They could be released later this week but that's going to be dependent upon the cybersecurity issue we've already described.
Once the LPSS websites have been reactivated parents and students will be able to visit the system's website and click on "School Bus Information" on the right-hand side of the home page. Should you want to speak to someone about a bus route you can call the school system's transportation hotline at 521-RIDE (7433).