LCG To Discuss Red Light And Speed Camera Renewal
An item that was up for introduction at the Lafayette City Parish Council meeting last night would allow an extension of the Redflex program that tickets drivers who are speeding or running red lights.
The extension, if approved, would expand the program through June of next year. The introductory item goes before the council tonight, and if they send it forward it would be up for a final vote at the meeting on May 17th.
How does SafeLight work? Cameras are installed at high-crash locations to record violations. The SafeLight system photographs the rear license plate of vehicles running the red light. The camera records the date, time, speed of the vehicle and time elapsed since the beginning of the red signal. A ticket, including a photograph of the violation, will be sent to the vehicle owner. Instructions to view an online video of the violation will be included in the notice of violation.
Without an extension by the council, the program would expire in June.