LGBT Discrimination Order Signed By Governor Edwards
Some people are calling yesterday a historic day for the state of Louisiana. They are calling it a day to celebrate the rights of every citizen of our state. The reason? Governor Edwards has signed an executive order that would make discrimination against members of the LGBT community who work for the state or receive state services against the law.
Just to be clear similar measures were also signed into law by Governors Edwin Edwards and Kathleen Blanco during their terms in office. The difference between the measures that Blanco and Edwards signed did not address a specific sexual orientation.
Matthew Patterson a spokesperson for Equality Louisiana says the order that John Bel Edwards signed marks a historic day for the state of Louisiana.
It represents a massive change from the policies of the previous administration. We could not be more pleased right this minute.
Patterson's remarks were reported in a story published by the Louisiana Radio Network. His comments suggest that this new measure is an important change from the attitude of the previous administration.
As we have worked towards issuing a new order with a new governor, our highest priority was ensuring that the full LGBT community was included here.
Patterson suggested that his group was specifically pleased that the new measure specifically addresses the LGBT community. The language in the executive order makes it the first state issued order that specifically protects the rights of transgender individuals in the state.
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