Help Families of Louisiana State Police by Voting in America’s Best Looking Cruiser Contest
The Louisiana State Police are asking for your vote in the Ninth Annual American Association of State Troopers hosted “America’s Best Looking Cruiser” contest.
America’s Best Looking Cruiser Contest
The Louisiana State Police is currently part of the Ninth Annual American Association of State Troopers hosted “America’s Best Looking Cruiser” and are asking for your vote to help them win.
Voting began yesterday and will run through 4 PM CST on August 25, 2022.
By voting, you're helping out Louisiana State Troopers and their families.
From myarklamiss.com -
"The contest is in support of AAST, which aims to support the social, financial, and educational needs of the nation’s state troopers and their families."
The top 13 state trooper cruisers that receive the most votes are featured in the AAST's annual calendar.
The state trooper cruiser that receives the most votes is featured on the cover of the calendar.
You can vote for the Louisiana State Police cruiser HERE.
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