Louisiana To Participate In Home Grown By Heroes Program
There are two groups of Americans I will always encourage you to support. One is America's farmers. I grew up in the agricultural community of this country and am very proud of how our farm families lead the world in production of food, fiber, and other important commodities that make our country and the world a better place.
Another group of Americans that I proudly support are those men and women who serve our country in military service. The sacrifices these Americans make so Americans such as myself have the freedom to speak my opinions and live the way I choose to live are so very dear to me.
Now there is a way we can support both of these groups at the same time. Louisiana has become the sixth state in the country to announce participation in a nationwide initiative to support America's Veterans who are also farmers. The Home Grown By Heroes program will help consumers identify items that were produced in Louisiana by farmers who also served our country via military service.
This branding initiative will allow consumers to show support for these two groups by purchasing the items that display the Home Grown By Heroes label. The program is supported by the Louisiana Department of Agriculture and Forestry. Consumers can identify products produced under the program by looking for a special red, white, and blue sticker that proclaims Home Grown By Heroes, Louisiana Certified. For more information on the program contact the Louisiana Department of Agriculture.
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