Louisiana’s Preliminary Plans for COVID Vaccine Distribution
There will be a vaccine for COVID-19. We just can't say exactly when. In fact, there are several trials underway for current vaccine formulas. One or all of those medical breakthroughs could be "the cure" for the current coronavirus pandemic. But, as we watch those scientific studies play out the question has to be asked, "Once we get a vaccine, how will it be distributed"?
Dr. Frank Welch is Louisiana's Immunization Director and he told the Louisiana Radio Network that there was already a plan in place for out the state would roll out the medication. According to the LRN story, Doctor Welch's first priority would be for frontline healthcare workers to receive the vaccine.
The next group in Dr. Welch's priority plan appear to be those who work in and around nursing homes, followed by residents of nursing homes. From there the plan branches out into what is described as "essential workers". We can only speculate who might be considered "essential" but it will likely include first responders and those who provide vital support for the community.
Dr. Welch seemed to suggest that vaccinations for the general public won't likely begin until the spring. Of course, a lot of these plans are based on speculation that the clinical trials of the current vaccines go well.
Obviously, there will be plenty of people who will be a lot gun shy about getting this vaccine too. Certainly, after enough people have gotten the shot and the data about the safety and efficiency of the vaccine have been vetted then more and more people will be open to getting vaccinated.
In the meantime, wear your mask, wash your hands, keep your distance, and be respectful of others. I believe we are now closer to the end of this pandemic than we are to the beginning. So, better days are on the way.
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