Man in Sunset Attacked by Dogs, Hospitalized
After being attacked by dogs, a man in Sunset was admitted to a local hospital due to his injuries.
KATC TV3 is reporting that the man was attacked by "several" dogs, though the exact number is not known at this time.
The man, who is reported to be 59 years old by KLFY TV10, received injuries to his head, arms, and back.
The attack is said to have taken place near Dynasty Lane which, according to Google Maps, is just west of Sunset, off of Sydney Charles Road.
In an update posted to KLFY's website, we find out that the man was attacked by 5 dogs, identified as Pit Bulls. The attack occurred around 9:30 the morning as the man was walking along the rural roadway.
TV10 said that the man, Johnathon Zenon, sent them pictures of his injuries The images show lacerations to his arms and legs.
The animals were located and are currently being held by the St. Landry Parish Animal Control unit.
While some people believe that Pit Bulls are an aggressive breed due to selective breeding, others think that they are just regular dogs and are only aggressive because of their environment.
Even the Humane Society believes that the breed isn't any more dangerous than other breeds, according to a story from Delaware Online.
The website gives tips on what to do if you find yourself in a situation where a dog is attacking you.
The first thing to do, or NOT to do, is panic, the website says. It recommends that you stand motionless instead of (following your instincts and) running away. Remain motionless with your hands idle, at your sides, and try to avoid eye contact.
If the dog turns and begins to walk away, Delaware Online recommends that you slowly back away from the animal and try to get to safety.
If the dog does begin to attack you, they recommend that you try to put something between you and the dog: a piece of clothing, your purse, or anything you can get your hands on.
Finally, if the dog continues to attack, try to lay on the ground in the fetal position, with your hands on your ears and your knees tucked as close to your face as possible. Lay motionless and silent. (Thanks to Delaware Online for these tips.)
The Centers for Disease Control offers similar, but slightly different, tips:
If an unfamiliar dog approaches you:
Stay still and be calm.
Avoid direct eye contact with the dog.
Do not panic, make loud noises, or run.
Say “no” or “go home” in a firm, deep voice and stand with the side of your body facing the dog.
Slowly raise your hands to your neck with your elbows in and wait for the dog to pass or slowly back away. - CDC
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