naked cowboy
Jemal Countess/Getty Images

Street performer Robert Burck — known to tourists as the Naked Cowboy — has turned his ability to sing country tunes while wearing nothing but a hat, boots, briefs and a strategically placed guitar into a cottage industry. But he is not please that there's a new sheriff in town...or should we say, Indian.

Burck is accusing newcomer Adam David, a.k.a. the Naked Indian, of stealing his act.

“I’ve been here [in Times Square] 365 days, every day, for 13 years and change,” Burck told the New York Daily News. “He’s only been here 16 days and missed two already.”

Let the awesome legal battle begin!

FYI- The Naked Cowboy shows up at Fan Fair every year in Nashville, and I think he is awesome!

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