NCAA Gives Go Ahead For Three More Bowl Games
Three more bowl games really? That's what the NCAA Football Oversight Committee has signed off on, so that's what we'll get. As of now two of the locations for the added confusion of postseason college football are known. The third location is not.
Based on reports Wrigley Field in Chicago is slated to host a bowl game beginning with the 2020 season. That game reportedly has ties to the Big Ten Conference and the Atlantic Coast Conference. There have been no conference tie-ins announced for the second bowl site which is reported to be Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.
If you haven't done the math in your head just yet that would make 43 bowl games in total. It would also mean that 65% of FBS Schools would be playing in a postseason bowl game.
It's like the NCAA took a look at the LHSAA wonkey playoff scenarios and said: " Hold My Beer". In my opinion, that's too many bowl games and too many teams being allowed to participate. Bowl matchmakers already have trouble finding teams with non-losing records to fill our the current bowl schedule. Why would you want to add more games?
Not money for the schools, the athletic programs, the athletes, or anyone actually connected with an NCAA member school or athletic team. We are talking money for sponsors, stadiums, concessionaires, vendors, and of course television networks.
Most colleges wind up losing money by going to a bowl game at the end of the year. The exceptions are the really big bowl games and on occasions when a school can get basically a home game like the University of Louisiana playing in the New Orleans Bowl.
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