New COVID Calculator Estimates Your Chance of Infection in Louisiana
A new online tool has been created to help people calculate their risk of getting COVID, taking into consideration multiple factors, including location, age, family history and more.
The COVID Calculator also considers the virus' Delta variant, which statistics show is more contagious, thereby increased people's chances of COVID contraction. The specially designed algorithm also takes into account unvaccinated Americans, and factors the number of breakthrough cases in fully vaccinated individuals, especially among those over the age of 65.
Who created it and how does it work?
The COVID Calculator was developed by a group of medical researchers who call themselves the microCOVID Project. Here's their latest online post:
"Calculator updated for the Delta variant. Infection risk up more than 2x even if you're vaccinated! Visit our site to get updated risk for your current activities."
The calculator asks users where they're located, i.e., which state or country, followed by a series of lifestyle questions as the tool begins to analyze data to determine an individual's risk.
Questions include, how many people are usually within 15 feet of you at any given time, how close are these nearby people on average, is the setting outdoor or indoor and others.
Then, using the collected data and comparing user responses to answers from other geographic locations and case numbers, the tool assesses the user's risk.
COVID numbers are still climbing
According to a recent Fox News report, "there are 139,897 new positive COVID cases per day in the United States, according to the latest seven-day average - a 6.6% increase in new cases compared to last week.
So, are you at a high or low risk of contracting - or re-contracting - the COVID virus? To determine your threat factor, JUST CLICK HERE!

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