New Orleans Race Track Guarantees A Winner
There is no such thing as a sure thing in horse racing until now. That sure thing is called the Fairgrounds Racing Club. For a $500 investment, you can experience all the fun and excitement of owning a bona fide thoroughbred racehorse without having to shovel any poop, lift up any jockeys, or even know which direction the saddle should be facing.
The Fairgrounds Racing Club is a social club that is licensed as a non-profit organization. It is based at the Fairgrounds Race Course in New Orleans. The "club" owns two horses that are currently running at the Fairgrounds. Excitations is a three-year-old colt and Efforting is a three-year-old filly. Efforting made her Fairgrounds debut Thursday running second in the card's 5th race.
The two horses are being conditioned by legendary horseman Albert Stall Jr. Mr. Stall has only been able to produce slightly more than $52 million in earnings for his associates in his career. He also saddles a winner 30% of the time. So, he is what the insiders would call, money.
The two horses Stall will over the see the conditioning for are going to be very competitive throughout the meet at the Fairgrounds. If you are a member of the Fairgrounds Racing Club you can be a part of the behind scenes action and the on track photographs. Like I said, it's all the good stuff about the horse racing game.
What about that guaranteed winner statement?
Since the "club" is a non-profit all racing proceeds earned by the horses are donated to the Los Angeles Children's Cancer Hospital. That is a hospital that is supported by B.Wayne Hughes, the gentleman who donated the horses to the club for this specific purpose.
Right now the club is ten members short of its budgeted 100 minimum club members. The plan is to accept up to 200 members and membership is available on a first come basis.
If you've always wanted to be a part of the racing game it seems to me to be a no-brainer. You'll be given special perks and amenities that very few other fans will ever experience. You'll be able to tell your friends and family, "that's one of my horses" out on the track. You will also be helping a wonderful hospital do incredible work.
That my friend is a guaranteed winner across the board.
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