OMV Wants Insurance Offenders To Pay Up Now
It used to be going to the mailbox could be a pleasant experience. You might get a wonderful handwritten note from a friend, a card, or a coupon that could save you money on pizza. However, nearly 1.2 million citizens of Louisiana might be approaching their mailboxes with fear and trepidation if they owe the Office of Motor Vehicles money.
If you're a driver who has been fined for a lapse in insurance coverage you can be expecting one of those letters in your mailbox. According to J.B. Slaton with State Police the Office of Debt Recovery is ready for you to pay up or suffer the consequences.
Slaton told the Louisiana Radio Network the letters are just a first step.
These letters are going to be followed by additional notices before anything is turned over to the Office of Debt Recovery.
He suggests that anyone who is contacted by the Office of Debt Recovery use the contact information contained in the letter to verify what will need to be done to clear up their case.
And then when we do make contact, we can start the process of getting everything situated and taken care of, whether it's a fine or whether we're able to waive those fines with the proper documentation.
Slaton does remind those who receive letters to be patient when contacting the Office Motor Vehicles. As you might imagine the phone lines have been quite busy with residents calling to clear up their cases before they are sent to a collection service.
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