Presale Patty in the Parc Tickets End at Noon Saturday, March 16th
Jameson Irish Whiskey presents Patty in the Parc TOMORROW, Saturday, March 16, 2013 at Parc International in Downtown Lafayette! If you haven't purchased your advance tickets yet, follow the jump to find out where and save $5 on admission.
Presale $10 Patty in the Parc ticket sales end at noon Saturday, March 16th (TOMORROW) at Schlotzky's on Johnston or Pinhook and Lucky Deuces Casino in Duson. After ticket sales end at all locations, tickets will be available at the gate for $15.
This will mark the third Patty in the Parc event and features local favorites such as the Molly Ringwalds, Grammy winner Wayne Toups along with The Steve Adams Network. Gates will open at 5:00pm with Wayne Toups kicking off the show at 5:30pm.
And if you need anything else to convince you to come, just check out the awesome weather report!
Keep up with all things Irish facebook.com/PattyInTheParc.
Patty in the Parc is produced by the Theatre League of Louisiana.
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