Anytime you can save a buck or two there's a reason to be thankful. Of course, monetary gains are not the true focus of our reasons for giving thanks, this time of year but every little bit does help.

According to figures compiled by AgFax the cost of a traditional Thanksgiving meal with turkey and the trimmings is going to cost less this year than last year. In fact, the cost of the holiday spread will be the lowest that it has been since 2013.

Here is the shopping list and the price paid for each item in this year's survey.

  • Frozen, Self-Basting Young Tom Turkey: $13.36
  • Cube Stuffing (Herb Seasoned), 14 oz. package: $2.89
  • Enriched Brown & Serve Rolls, 12 oz./12 per package: $2.95
  • Fresh Sweet Potatoes, 3-lbs: $2.94
  • Veggie Tray (carrots and celery) 1-lb: $1.30
  • Whole Milk, 1-gal: $4.04
  • Libby’s Easy Pumpkin Pie Mix, 30 oz. can: $3.37
  • Fresh Cranberries, 12 oz. package: $1.83
  • Whipped Cream, 1/2 pint carton: $1.68
  • Frozen Green Peas, 16 oz. package: $1.63
  • 9″ Frozen Pie Shells, 2 per package: $4.57
  • Miscellaneous ingredients (Eggs, Flour, Evaporated Milk): $2.72

When you add it all up your holiday meal which should feed about 10 people will cost $43.27. Last year for the same items you would have paid $46.47. The cost of Thanksgiving is actually a little less than the average cost for the rest of the nation.

Most economists agree that a large supply of turkeys has kept the price of the big birds low for this year's feasting season.

By the way, when you bow your head to say thanks, this  year don't forget to thank the millions of Louisiana and American farm families whose untiring efforts and dedication to quality have helped to make sure that your holiday meal is made with the very best ingredients on the planet.


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