Move over pumpkin spice, there's a much better flavor on the market -- Thanksgiving.

Well, I'm not sure if it's really a trend but I sure would like to see it.

Pringles has just released new chips that taste like turkey, stuffing and pumpkin pie. So, yeah, they're giving us Thanksgiving in a can.

There is a bit of bad news though. The limited-edition chips are not available in stores. You can get the three-pack stackable mini cans online at However, the purchase will set you back $14.99.

The funny part is they're calling it the "Pringles Turducken Friendsgiving Feast."

According to the description on Kelloggs' website:

Ready to eat, no cooking required. Tears of joy sold separately...Three birds for bundling, three sides and more feathered flavor than you ever drooled was possible. It’s the feast you never flapping knew you desperately needed. But don’t thank us, just catch one.

This is actually not the first time we've had Thanksgiving flavored Pringles. Last year the company produced eight Thanksgiving flavors that came in a TV dinner-style tray. Some of those selections included mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, mac and cheese, creamed corn and cranberry sauce-flavored chips.

The company is stressing that supplies are limited and these chips will be sold on a first-come, first-serve basis.

Anyone want to go halfsies on a three-pack?

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