Put That Burger Down — It’s Destroying the Ozone Layer
Eating a charbroiled burger is better for your heart, but according to new research from the University of California Riverside, that charbroiled goodness comes at the expense of the ozone layer—big time.
Researchers say that is because commercial charbroilers and countertop grills produce more than double the grease, smoke, heat, water vapor and combustion products than even a diesel truck does.
This research is right on target with a 2007 report by the Air Quality Management Plan, South Coast Air Quality Management District, which found that "emissions from commercial charbroilers are a very significant uncontrolled source of particulate matter ... more than twice the contribution by all of the heavy-duty diesel trucks."
Lead researcher Bill Welch explained: "For comparison, an 18-wheeler diesel-engine truck would have to drive 143 miles on the freeway to put out the same mass of particles as a single charbroiled hamburger patty."
Researchers are confident that a device that eliminates grease from the exhaust fan and confines water holds the secret to resolving omission issues caused by commercial cooking equipment.
Trials for this theorized system are currently being conducted.
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