Louisiana shoppers will likely be flocking to Walmart and other stores this weekend. It is mid-December and Christmas is how many days away? For a lot of us, a stop at Walmart at least once a week is pretty much routine. But have you ever noticed during your visits to Walmart the announcements that are made over the intercom?

Walmart To Raise Its Minimum Raise To 11 Dollars An Hour
Getty Images

If you're like me you've heard them and wondered to yourself, "What does that mean"? Well, it is true each of those codes, colors, numbers, and phrases, has an important meaning to store personnel. But those same codes can have life-changing or life-saving meanings for you as well.

What Are The Different Kinds of Walmart Intercom Codes?

Those codes can be broken down into four basic categories. There is a General Category, which is basic store information for employees. This might include information on spills or shelves that need to be stocked.

Rennard Cotton Via YouTube
Rennard Cotton Via YouTube

There are Emergency codes that are often delivered in a clandestine method so as not to alarm shoppers but to inform the staff of an important situation. You'll also hear Customer Service codes which that is pretty self-explanatory and then some codes inform employees of discounts or sales that are going on in the store.

How Are The Four Types of Walmart Intercom Codes?

The code to breaking the code for Walmart intercom begins with an understanding of what is used to make those codes. At Walmart, they use colors, numbers, and letters, and some codes involve keywords.

For example, if you hear Code Spark at Walmart then don't be in a hurry to rush to the checkout aisles. Code Spark is the call for "all hands on deck at the front". In other words, they need help getting customers checked out.


If you hear Code Adam at a Louisiana Walmart that is the code for a missing child. This lets employees know to be on the lookout for a child wandering alone and to monitor all of the store's exits until the code has been lifted.

What Do Walmart Codes That Use Letters Mean?

The letter codes aren't too useful for us as customers but they say a lot to the employees. If you hear Code A that means there is a spill or a mess that needs attention. Code B means that there is a VIP shopper or important customer in the store. Code C is usually followed by the mention of a specific department. That code indicates a customer service need in that department.

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Ralph Orlowski, Getty Images

What Do Codes With Numbers in Them Mean at Walmart?

Almost all of the "number codes" have to do with store security. For example, a Code 300 or a Code 51 is usually followed by a telephone extension or a department. That indicates a need for security in that area of the store right now.

Code 15 and Code 60 let Walmart employees know that a particular security person or department will be on break (for 15 minutes) or heading to lunch (for 60 minutes) and will not be surveying the store.  Code 20 means an employee break is necessary and Code 30 is a call to employees to check for security issues in the store.

Sonya Lynne via Unsplash.com
Sonya Lynne via Unsplash.com

What Do Codes WIth Colors in Them Mean at Walmart?

If you hear an intercom announcement at your local Walmart and it involves a color then something bad has happened. The one code you don't want to hear while shopping is Code Brown. That means there is an active shooter on the premises and you should head for an exit if there is one nearby.

Scott Fire Department via Facebook
Scott Fire Department via Facebook

Code Red and Code Orange aren't good either. Code Red means there is a fire in the store and Code Orange means there has been a chemical spill either in the store or on the premises. In both cases after the color is announced there is usually an aisle or a department that is mentioned so employees know where the danger is located.

Code Blue is used to inform employees of a potential bomb threat and Code Green means there is an active hostage situation.

Why is Code Black More Common in Louisiana Than in Some Other States?

There is a chance that if you're shopping at Walmart this weekend you could hear the term Code Black used over the intercom. This is the code used when severe or threatening weather is at hand or nearby. Since much of Louisiana is under a threat of severe storms over the weekend, this code could come into play at numerous locations across Louisiana on Saturday afternoon and evening.

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YouTube Via Reed Timer

Hopefully, the only codes you'll ever hear at your local store will be the ones where they are announcing huge savings on the items you want to buy. But just in case you hear some of these others, at least you know what they mean.

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Gallery Credit: Bruce Mikells





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