Salt Water Anglers Can Get A License To Win
Wouldn't it be neat if you the next time you stopped by your local DMV office to renew your driver's license you were given a chance to win a new car? Well that dream of being a winner may not be too far away. The Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries is implementing a new program called a License to Win ! This program gives fishermen who obtain and saltwater fishing license the chance to win a brand new boat.
No the State of Louisiana has not turned it's licensing programs into the Price is Right! They're simply using the incentive of great prizes like a 22 foot bay boat and trailer as a hook to help them gather and maintain information about sportsmen who enjoy saltwater fishing.
Randy Pausina, the Assistant Secretary of Fisheries explained how easy it is to participate in the program to the Louisiana Radio Network,
If you buy your saltwater fishing license in the upcoming year , within a month you'll get an email or a phone call asking if this is a valid means of communication. Once you verify it you'll be entered to win.
Pausina went on to say that the department will conduct monthly drawings and all that an angler needs to be included in the chance win prizes is a valid saltwater license and a valid phone number or email address.
Some of the prizes available in the program besides the 22 foot bay boat and trailer include Yeti ice chests, Shimano gear, and gift cards from participating merchants such as Academy Sports and Outdoors, Texaco, Whole Foods, and others.
By participating in the contest anglers are actually helping the Department of Wildlife and Fisheries insure that Louisiana waters will be managed correctly for future generations of fishermen.
Without them, we can't manage these fisheries correctly and we can't provide more opportunity and more fishing days for anglers. It's imperative they take part in this program and help us get the best data.
Anglers are reminded that as of June 1st it is time to renew or secure a new fishing license for the upcoming year.
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