Saying I Love You, Who Goes First The Man Or The Woman?
Many hit country songs have been written about this very headline. Who should be the first to say I love you? What is it about those three words that keep us up late at night and pacing the floor racking our brains? Why do we hesitate at the end of a phone call to see if those words will end the conversation? What happens when we say them and we don't hear them back? I ask a lot of questions don't I? So in your relationship, who said I love you first? Did it have an affect on how things turned out? It most certainly could have. Is admitting deep and true feelings for someone a sign of weakness? For a lot of guys I can tell you it is. It makes you vulnerable it exposes a part of your self that you don't like too many people to see. It puts you in a position to get hurt and hurt badly. Why?
Telling someone you love them is the most beautiful thing you can say. I love a lot of people most of them unconditionally. Sure there is romantic love that we all yearn for and maybe that's where the butterflies in the stomach start their fluttering but what is really so wrong with loving another person?
For guys again it's almost like saying I am committed to you. That commitment thing is something those in the male gender have trouble dealing with if you haven't figured it out. Maybe I just don't understand love. I think the more people you can honestly care about, the better the world is going to be.
So tell me, who said I love you first in your relationship?