Shake it Shake it : Jamie Begeron Not to Blame!
We all love that song by Jamie Begeron and his Kickin Cajuns but the shaking that is going on just north of our fair state is not the butt kind of shaking. It is the ground doing the shaking and that isn't good. Arkansas has been quivering from beneath their feet because of a series of earthquakes. Now believe it or not Arkansas is in prime earthquake country and that could be cause for concern for us in Louisiana.
"That was only my second time to feel one, but others here have felt them for three or four months now," Greenbrier chief Jim Sutterfield said after feeling the latest tremor on Wednesday. "Now when it happens, people say, 'Well, there's another one.'"
I hope the only ground you feel shaking this weekend is on the dance floor or some other pleasureable activity!
(via Ark. cities feel unexplained surge in earthquakes - Yahoo! News.)
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