Some Evictions in Louisiana Can Begin on June 8th
For the past couple of months evictions in Louisiana have been banned. This ban was put in place because of the economic effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. But now, as the state is entering Phase II of its reopening plan some landlords will be allowed to begin eviction hearings and proceedings as early as next Monday.
Just to be clear, landlords that took advantage of the Federal CARES Act will not be allowed to proceed with any evictions until August 25th. However, not all landlords took advantage or were able to take advantage of that federal program.
Renters are reminded that they are obligated for monies owed based on the rental agreements that they sign. Many Louisiana landlords are working with residents to re-negotiate those rental agreements but they are not legally bound to do so.
Some items renters might want to negotiate would be the waiving of late fees. Depending on how your lease is structured they could really add up. You might also ask your landlord if back rent or monies owed can be paid out over a period of time. This way the financial burden doesn't hit your budget in one lump sum.
Also, many mortgage lenders have qualified for forbearance during these pandemic times. If your landlord is receiving forbearance from their lender you might ask them to consider not requiring rent from you during those months. It will require a conversation between you and your landlord but it could mean a major reduction in your financial stress level, so it's worth it.
Please note that if you have been harassed for rent payments or threatened with eviction before June 8th law enforcement agencies across the state have been told not to put anyone out of their home. Renters do have rights and you need to know what yours are now and moving forward.
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