Speeding in Louisiana – Is Less Than 10 MPH Over Against the Law?
Many motorists who traverse southern Louisiana along I-10 or US Highway 190 have a physical ailment that they don't like to talk about. That ailment is that one foot, their right foot, appears to be much heavier than their left foot. This weight discrepancy sometimes results in motor vehicles being driven over the posted speed limit.
And no, heavy right foot syndrome is not a real malady but judging by the way the cars fly by on I-10 it's pretty easy to believe that while some may not have been born with a heavy right foot, they certainly developed one after they grew old enough to drive.
Is There a 10 mph "Buffer" For Motorists Driving Above the Posted Speed in Louisiana?
I know I have heard about this "alleged" buffer tolerance from the time I started driving a little over four decades ago. The "myth" suggested that because speedometers on cars are not all calibrated the same way law enforcement agencies will "allow for a ten-mile-per-hour buffer" between your tracked speed and the posted speed for the roadway in question.
That seems reasonable right?
Then you know it's wrong. There is no "buffer" or "tolerance" built into Louisiana's traffic codes regarding speed. Even if you "are just trying to keep up with traffic" anything over the posted speed is speeding and is an offense in Louisiana.
In most cases your fine or potential jail time could be increased the further above the posted speed you were traveling. And we should point out that posted speeds are the limits that reflect the proper speed during ideal driving conditions. So, if it's raining, you can drive slower. Oh, and we'd love it if you'd turn your headlights on too.
Why Do People in Louisiana Speed?
Based on information from the National Highway Traffic Safety Board most of us drive above the posted speed limit because we are mad. Heavy traffic tends to make male drivers especially more aggressive. This aggression usually manifests in higher speeds, tailgating, and in extreme cases, road rage.
Time is another factor in the reasons that Louisiana drivers can't drive 55 or whatever the posted speed limit is. In this day and age of "time-saving technology" most of us find we are made late for personal appointments because of a phone call, e-mail, or text. Ironic, isn't it?
Louisiana law enforcement agencies also say another contributing factor in speeding around the state is window tinting. I know, how could the tint on your windows affect your speed? The members of law enforcement that we spoke with told us that "darker tint" tends to give the driver a feeling of anonymity. This "you can't see me" attitude can result in poor behavior on the road including driving faster than the law allows.
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Gallery Credit: Bruce Mikells
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