Peter Billingsley, who played Ralphie, in the Christmas classic "A Christmas Story" recently revealed what made him very sick while on the set filming the movie we all love.
You remember Messy Marvin? Well, as I was watching these commercials and feeling all nostalgic and stuff, I realized who the kid playing Messy Marvin was.
It wouldn’t be Christmas time without Christmas movies, and even though the same half-dozen or so holiday classics tend to be played again and again during December two Christmas films folks are still not sick of are ‘A Christmas Story’ and ‘It’s a Wonderful Life.’
This year the holiday classic film A Christmas Story has taken an endearing turn for me. I was honored to play the part of "grown up Ralph Parker" in the Acadia Players stage production of A Christmas Story. I am guessing it must be because of my amazing performance (tongue firmly in cheek, sarcasm overload) that there has suddenly become a web wide increase in interest about the movie.