The Yankees finally broke their record-tieing no-hitter streak in the 7th inning, but the REAL bit of excitement came from a little girl in the stands.
I've never seen such a riveting conversation between two babies as this. Lord only knows what they were actually saying, I'm sure it was something you and I wouldn't even be able to fathom.
These kids' outfits would surely make even Scrooge (whoops wrong holiday) smile!
#5 The UPS Delivery Man
#4 The Tea Bag
#3 The Preying Mantis
#2 The Blueberry Pie
#1 The Turtle
Which one do you think is the cutest?...
I'm sure you, like myself, have had problems with getting a new pet to go to sleep!
Especially puppies! They're so much work. It's play, play, play, bark, whine, sleep, eat, then play some more!
How the heck are you supposed to get them calmed down when you need to go to sleep?