It can be very hard to train a dog to not use the restroom on your rug, tear up your favorite sneakers, or bark uncontrollably on Saturday morning; however, it is possible to train a dog. I am almost to my breaking point with my roommate's furry friend. She is the most stubborn, hard-headed dog I have ever been around in my entire life. It may or may not be too late to change the 4-legged noise bo
This is basically an obstacle course in which the dog and handler have to complete certain tasks in the fastest time possible. To be honest this dog is amazing, he is also a dog and that is the part that will leave you laughing.
There are somethings that are mine and somethings that aren't. I like to think the things I was born with are my personal property and I maintain ownership of said items until which I am no longer alive. I would count my foot as one of those things I would like to keep. This leads us to a rather bizarre story from Florida where a seriously injured man's foot was taken by a paramedic who used it fo