Glasses Fogging In the Louisiana Heat? Here's How to Stop the FogGlasses Fogging In the Louisiana Heat? Here's How to Stop the FogIf you're in and out of the air conditioning and wear glasses then you know the frustration of foggy lenses. Here is a simple hack to help you see clearly. Bruce MikellsBruce Mikells
Right Side Up or Upside Down - The Right Way to Store GlassesRight Side Up or Upside Down - The Right Way to Store GlassesAfter the toilet seat "up or down" issue and which way the toilet paper goes this might be the biggest argument in American homes on a regular basis. Bruce MikellsBruce Mikells
Life Hacks for Every Person Who Wears GlassesLife Hacks for Every Person Who Wears GlassesI love wearing glasses, and can't wait to put some of these pro tips to use.Stephanie CristStephanie Crist
Life Hacks For Every Person Who Wears GlassesLife Hacks For Every Person Who Wears GlassesI love wearing glasses, and can't wait to put some of these pro tips to use.Stephanie CristStephanie Crist