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Louisiana, with its rich history, eerie swamps, and supernatural folklore, has inspired many memorable horror films. Let's take a look at some of the best horror movies Louisiana has to offer...
Sure, there are always the obvious horror movies to get into for Halloween, but if you're not a complete Horror nerd like me, there are quite a few great ones that may have slipped by you.
"FRESH", an upcoming movie about a serial killer cannibal, has people scratching their heads over the fact that ultimately, this is a Disney production.
The new Netflix movie "Veronica" is reportedly freaking people out so much folks are saying they can't even finish the movie. I love a good Horror movie, so I decided to see what this movie is all about. What I found out is, one of the scariest things about this movie is that it's based on a true event.
If you're a fan of "Jaws" or just looking for something different to do this Summer, this could be the perfect road trip. "Jaws On The Water" gives you the opportunity to watch the horror classic "Jaws" while floating on an inner tube in the water.
Happy Halloween! Along with all of the costumes and candy come horror movies. I've watched the "Friday The 13th" movies so many times I can't even count. Even though, I just came across this video about things people don't know about the horror classic, and I learned a few things.
It's the season for Horror movies! With Halloween just a few days away, folks all over South Louisiana will be bingeing on a steady diet of scary movies to get into the Halloween spirit. But, what horror movie scares Louisianians the most? The answer, according to a recent survey, may surprise you.
The Blair Witch Project was such a success partly because of the film’s marketing-- even though we all know it’s not, a lot of it’s popularity came about because of the insistence that it was all real. Now it looks like the surprise sequel Blair Witch might be capitalizing on that phenomenon with a new viral marketing plan.